Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Family of related health problems - genetic diseases

Family health problems fall into two categories: physical and mental diseases or syndromes. There are several types of diseases in both categories, which are often inherited genetically inherited, either through a strictly maternal or paternal side of the family genealogy.

An example of a family in relation to the physical nature of the disease is breast cancer. Generally, when a mother should breast cancer experience of their daughterregular mammograms in response to its parent state. It is generally accepted that the health community, the cancer actually inherited genetic link.

Sometimes, however, cancer may skip a generation or two. Krebs, the grandparents or great-grandparents suffered, not expressed again until the arrival of grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Unfortunately, a disadvantage in this case is that the early signs of cancer may go unnoticed because of the cancer in the Ancestors can be eventually forgotten and simply a part of the family history.

Another family health problems with obesity. It is an undeniable fact that most obese people get obese from a family genealogy. Conflict, which is a lifestyle rather than genetics plays a role in this state, but most researchers are undecided on this issue. To be safe lifestyle characteristics from an early age are taught and conductedFamily with bad eating habits is not a disservice to their children. However, those families who still suffers a reasonable lifestyle to keep from weight problems, and reflect an inherited genetic tendency to obesity.

Family mental health problems are also linked genetically. Affective disorders such as bipolar disorder and psychosis such as schizophrenia are typical examples of inherited mental illness. These diseases can all too often skip a generation or twowithin the family genealogy and therefore go unnoticed and untreated for several years.

Drug and alcohol addiction, there are other health problems associated with the family. The argument, again with the question is not whether inherited a tendency toward addiction, or if such a condition due to family environment. Perhaps there is room for confusion about drug and alcohol dependence as a possible genetic problem, because many families have only one member canSuffering from drug addiction. The argument about this phenomenon, then, whether it is possible that a family member can inherit only the drug or alcohol dependency, while others do not.

Finally, there is another category entirely family health problems. It is possible to create such an environment ill an unhappy and dysfunctional that family members can be physically and mentally? It seems that it is very likely ifparticularly in the family leads to severe neglect and abuse. In this case, the concept of family health problems that is very literally, because family environment to be related to these issues only unfortunate, not inherited.

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