Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Marriage and Family Are the Most Primal Aspect of Human Nature and Civilization

Marriage is the first rule of law. Adam first revealed the Law of Marriage during the genesis of human nature. Language and marriage are the two attributes of human nature spoken of in the story about Adam and Eve.

Now, I am not an expert on marriage or religion or anything like that. I am just an individual human being seeking the truth about human nature. I study natural history and religion in the process of seeking the truth.

I believe that Adam naming all the animals in the Garden of Eden is a reference to the evolution of human language. The joining of Adam and Eve into one family is the revelation of the Law of Marriage, the first rule of law.

Marriage and language are the two most primal attributes of human nature, the difference between a wild animal and a civilized human being. The divine education that Adam revealed caused the mystical transformation of a troop of homosapiens into the first tribe of human beings.

It was thousands of years later that the revelation of Moses established the spiritual nation. And now, Baha'u'llah's revelation has united all the people of every nation, race and religion into one universal and divine civilization.

I was married for about 5 years. I like my wife and I regret that I was not able to give her what she wanted. I still love her like a sister and consider her to be my friend. I am a better person because of our relationship.

I want my wife to be my best friend. I want her to be my equal. I want to practice consultation in our relationship. I want my marriage to last forever. I'm 49 years old so I figure its a little late to be having any kids. I like kids, I wouldn't mind having step kids, but that is not essential. There are plenty of people in the world today.

I am acutely aware of the benefits of marriage. The fortress for wellbeing. My life would be so much better if I had a partner for all kinds of things, including this business I am working on. The sex is really fun too. Its all good. I want someone to play with, as well as work with.

I want to travel together, all around earth, healing and teaching people to improve ourselves and help others. I want to go on pilgrimage to the Baha'i Holy Places, especially the World Center on Mount Carmel and the Mansion at Bahji.

The law of marriage has evolved through various manifestations over the years but it has always been the union of a man and a woman. Men have had the right to marry several women for most of human history. Today, the marriage of one man with one woman is a manifestation of the justice and equality inherent in human nature.

"God is the Source of every religion, except a few which are the result of human perversity." (Baha'u'llah) Religion is the source, the spiritual foundation, of both the family and the state. Any individual, family, tribe or nation that ignores this reality, does so at our own peril.

Healing and improving our families is a vitally important aspect of healing and improving human nature. Healthy families unite into healthy tribes and nations. Healthy families, tribes and nations are evolving into a healthy, universal and divine civilization.

Establishing a universal language for our global civilization is another aspect of healing human nature. Language is one of the most primal, probably the most primal attribute of human nature. Every human being will be able to communicate effectively with every other human being in the next generation of human civilization.

Human civilization is whatever we human beings make it. We can make it healthy, safe and fair, or not. I, for one, choose to serve Baha'u'llah to the best of my ability.

Have fun and be careful.

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