Friday, November 18, 2011

Is Mutual Respect Necessary For the Family Environment?

Mutual respect is extremely important for a healthy family and upbringing of children. What exactly is mutual respect? It is not something that comes overnight and can be created in a single day just because you want a perfect family. It should be inculcated from day one. Mutual respect in not something that exists only between married couples. It is present among everyone who is part of the family. It should be part of a person's nature and then only it will automatically reflect in all other relationships the person has. Children, parents, grandparents and spouse all need and deserve respect.

The term respect and the concept of it actually is introduced at a very young age. The sense of respect remains with you for the entirety of your life. If you notice, the secret of any successful relationship is mutual respect. It develops a steady flow of love, support, understanding and friendship between two individuals. It means that two individuals in a relationship have to respect each others feelings and space and thoughts. When there is lack of respect in a relationship, there is anger, cruelty, selfishness and hatred for each other. Even if one person lacks the respect, it is very difficult to carry on with the relationship. Every person feels hurt when their views and feelings are not respected.

Family Nature

In a family environment, the lives of other family members depend on this respect for a cordial and welcoming relationship. Mutual respect is, therefore, very critical for the upbringing of children as well as for leading a healthy marital life.

Is Mutual Respect Necessary For the Family Environment?
Is Mutual Respect Necessary For the Family Environment?

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