Sunday, October 16, 2011

Teaching Kids to Appreciate Nature

Kids today live a very different life than we did a few short years ago. They spent more time inside than ever before playing video games and watching television. Even their play time is structured with organized sports and play dates. What ever happened to just exploring the world?

Well, we all know what happened. The world they should be exploring got more dangerous than it was back in our day. Not to mention the fact that more families have both parents working so there is no one home to supervise the kids. It is no wonder parents would rather have their kids secluded in the safety of their home.

Family Nature

But kids can still explore the world? It is just up to mom and dad to take the time to teach them about nature and the world around them. It doesn't take much to teach kids about the environment, just spend an afternoon a few times a month exploring your neighborhood, a park, or even a nearby forest or mountain.

Teaching Kids to Appreciate Nature

Teach your children about the animals that live in the different environments around you. Bugs, small reptiles, and animals such as raccoons and skunks all live in different types of places, but they can still be in your corner of the world. So many kids grow up having no idea about the types of creatures that live among them, no wonder they are frightened of them!

Kids also need to learn about plant life. Teach them the difference between good plants and those that are poisonous or noxious weeds. You can teach them that the insects and animals use the plants for food and shelter. Some plants even provide food and other things that we need like fibers for clothing and wood for furniture and building homes.

The time you spend with your kids exploring the world will benefit both you and them. You will develop a deeper bond as a family and your kids will learn valuable lessons that will help them in life and in school. Understanding a little more about nature will help your children in science classes as well as any environmental classes they may take.

By spending time in nature with you children you can help them learn to be good stewards of the land. They will develop an appreciation for the world around them and understand that these things are not to be taken for granted.

Teaching Kids to Appreciate Nature

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