Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Unconditional Gratitude

In this message, Harold W. Becker shares... Every moment is a precious, unique and incredible gift of life. A magnificent sunset, a cool morning breeze, the laughter of a child, the warm embrace of a friend these are the real treasures that require nothing more than our recognition of them. When we are fully present, our love and gratitude is as natural as breathing. For more please go to www.thelovefoundation.com He continues... This time of year tends to find us experiencing a great number of festivals, holidays, gatherings and a wide variety of traditions around the world. Many of these observances have as their focus the understanding of thankfulness and gratitude and at their core, a deep meaning of love. Gratitude and unconditional love - they go hand in hand, yet how well do we truly understand their importance and affect on our lives? Giving thanks is universal across all cultures and is expressed in a myriad of ways depending on beliefs, rituals and social norms of the day. Some see it as reaping an abundant harvest, others as acknowledgement for the blessings of the good that has happened personally, in the family and perhaps in the community or nation. Each is a recognition that we have been taken care of in some acceptable or exceptional way. In essence, it is our formal way of taking time to recognize the beauty and bounty held in every moment and the amazing way that the whole of life is woven in a grand design to provide for our existence and joy. The ...


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