Sunday, June 20, 2010

4 Basic Steps to Raise Green Kids

Kids are fun. They get excited about many of the things you can teach them as a parent, especially when they're little. Take the time to get them started on some early green steps to help them learn to respect the environment.

1. Teach them about the environment.

Kids can't learn to love the environment if they're always sheltered from it. Go on family nature walks, garden, go camping and just generally have fun in nature as a family. Teach them how much fun there is to be had without computers, constant texting and watching television.

2. Teach them to clean up litter.

When you're out and about, don't forget a bag to clean up any litter you come across. You can bring gloves if you're going to get serious about your cleanup efforts so that you don't get too dirty.

But even casually picking up a single piece of litter you come across is a good example. Talk about the damage litter does to the natural environment and make sure your kids don't casually drop trash themselves. If they do, make sure they clean it up and remind them of why you don't litter.

3. Teach simplicity.

Don't buy the latest, greatest, hottest toys and clothes out there. Teach your kids to value being themselves over being trendy. Teach them that replacing perfectly good toys or electronic gadgets really isn't necessary.

It's a hard lesson, especially when so much around them teaches consumerism, but this is one of the most important green lessons you can give a child. It has the chance to reduce their consumption for life.

Don't forget to show them the wonderful things that can be bought from resale and thrift shops. They might be delighted with how much more you can afford when they get something from such stores.

4. Teach them to reduce, reuse, recycle.

In order, of course. Understanding why "reduce, reuse, recycle" is in the order it's in matters.

Reduce I've already covered in some ways with teaching simplicity. If you keep things simple, you consume less.

Reuse can be a lot of fun for kids. Just think of all the crafts they can make with reused items.

Recycling is a skill that can be taught pretty young, especially if your area has a good recycling program. Kids can learn that paper, glass and metal go in the recycle bin very early, and to ask for other discarded items.

The best you can do won't guarantee that your children will live by your values their entire lives, but the younger you start the more likely they are to try.

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