Saturday, May 15, 2010

Organic Garden - A Minute Replica of Nature in Your Home

An organic garden is a small picture of nature's best in your home. It is a haven of fresh fruits, vibrant plants and healthy vegetables. The advocate of this art and science does not use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides but employ the works and conveniences of nature to create safe, healthy and bountiful produce.

Another great thing about it is that it saves the gardener time and money! Instead of fussing over mixing costly synthetic fertilizers and other growing aids, you only need to focus on one important factor which is the soil. With a healthy soil abundant in organic materials and natural minerals, you are sure to reap and produce plants, fruits and vegetables in excellent condition!

Maintaining a healthy soil means making sure the environment of your plants is conducive for proper growth. Plants, vegetables and fruits can only flourish if they are sown where no pest and weeds can decelerate or worse, endanger its growth. Experienced gardeners would attest that rich soil is the key to ensure plants thrive. Second to this is organic fertilizer. This may be found in composted animal manure, seaweed, blood and bone meals, traditional fish meal, and comfrey leaves.

These highly essential materials are loaded with the vital nutrients that guarantee better-tasting fruits and vegetables, scorch-free leaves, more attractive flowers that stay on longer and balanced growth for plants as a whole. They contain Nitrogen which plants need in large doses in order to encourage green, leafy growth, Phosphorous to promote strong roots and fruit growth and Potassium that helps to create larger, more vibrant colors in flowers and which supports in the overall plant strength.

The benefits of having an organic in your home are endless. For instance, it is widely recognized that fruits and vegetables which are grown organically consist of higher essential nutrients and vitamins that help the body to combat cancer. Organic food is reaped with its nutrient content intact so that it tastes and stores better than inorganically grown food. Apparently, a diet of organic food spares you from taking harmful chemicals found in unnaturally processed foods. You are highly sure that you get what your body truly needed for proper function.

Not only would you experience first-rate, safe foods which are free from nasty substances when you have an organic garden at home but you also get to have an outlet for relaxation and a form of exercise. Horticultural therapy, a remedy that uses gardening as a means to help people become physically and emotionally well, can remarkably reduce the risk of a heart disease, high-blood pressure, stroke, obesity, adult-onset diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Growing plants organically also helps you connect to nature and the rhythms and cycles of the earth like no hobby or activity can. The warm feel of the sun on your back, the anticipation of watching the seedlings you planted grow and the satisfaction it brings when you watch it beautify your home and nourish your family with its produce is more than enough to rejuvenate your spirit.

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