Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Wild Thornberrys Movie PT 5

The Wild Thornberrys Movie is a 2002 American animated feature film based on the television series of the same name. It was distributed by Paramount Pictures and produced spikelets Csupo and Nickelodeon Movies, and on 20 published in December 2002, the. The film begins with Eliza Thornberry, 12 years old, plays with his family cheetahs in East Africa, where her parents work as roving wildlife photographers for a TV show character. Eliza has the magical ability to talk and interact with wildAnimals. Cheetah mother, Akela, so that Eliza is responsible for their boy, but Eliza is mistaken about the safety concerns, and one of the young cheetahs, Tally, is kidnapped by a poacher. Eliza is a sustained effort to save the baby at her British grandmother Cordelia (the visit is to hold), send it to an English boarding school, as Cordelia believes that Eliza still a threat to itself in Africa , and Eliza will be much safer in England. Eliza is unhappy because they do notbe more able to direct the Eclipse and will not be able to find Tally. Eliza's sister Debbie, materialistic girl who hates Africa, is angry and jealous that they are the one who is sent to England. Darwin, Eliza's "pet" chimpanzee is smuggled in their luggage and travel with her to school. Rumors spread about the past by Eliza school, but Eliza has become increasingly popular over time. However, Eliza very quickly to the school and managed to...

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